SAD 2244 Sound Library Canny Newcassel : ballads and songs from Newcastle and thereabouts - Topic Records, 1972. - 1 sound disc : analog, 33 1/3 rpm

Sound disc, analog. See also Topic records TSCD 465, CD 23. Musical instruments: Accordion, fiddle, concertina, guitar, melodeon, whistle, piano, tuba, Northumbrian small pipes.

Side 1: 1. Canny Newcassel, The Sandgate Girl's Lamentation (Handle, Johnny, Ross, Colin, Anderson, Alistair and Gilfellon, Tommy) -- 2. The Miller's Wife of Blaydon (Handle, Johnny & Ross, Colin) -- 3. Ee Aye, Aa Cud Hew (pickford, Ed) -- 4. Three Crows (Elliott, Pete with chorus) -- 5. Billy Boy (conroy, Billy) -- 6. Bonny Gateshead Lass (Stokoe, Don) -- 7. My Lad's A Canny Lad (henderson, Doreen) -- 8. Till the Tide Comes in (Handle, Johnny, Ross, Colin, Anderson, Alistair and Gilfellon, Tommy) -- 9. Silly Galoot (conroy, Billy) -- 10. Fire On the Quay (Canham, Barry, Handle, Johnny & Ross, Colin) -- Side 2: 1. Billy Oliver's Ramble (Canham, Barry & Ross, Colin) -- 2. Jowl and Listen (Elliott, Pete) -- 3. The Weary Cutter (Elliott, Pat) -- 4. The Graveyard Shift (pearson, Les, Handle, Johnny & Ross, Colin) -- 5. Wylam Away (ross, Colin) -- 6. Footy Against the Wall (gilfellon, Tommy, Handle, Johnny, Ross, Colin, Anderson, Alistair) -- 7. My Old Man's A Dustman (Elliott, Bruce) -- 8. Four and Twenty Bob (conroy, Billy) -- 9. Blaydon Races, Keep Your Feet Still, Geordie Hinny (Handle, Johnny, Ross, Colin, Anderson, Alistair and Gilfellon, Tommy).
